The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #150885   Message #3520030
Posted By: bobad
28-May-13 - 11:17 AM
Thread Name: BS: Unarmed soldier killed, (London-May 2013)
Subject: RE: BS: Unarmed soldier killed, Woolwich (London)
When it comes to picking on Muslims all day long (& damaging & desecrating Islam) NO ONE, can compete with Islamist Jihadis. If "Islamophobia" can be measured in terms of killing Muslims, we have 3 million dead in Bangladesh, we have Darfur, we have the slaughter of Shia, Ahmadi, Sufi & many Sunni on an industrial scale in Pakistan, Iraq & beyond; not to mention those indirectly killed & harmed as a result of the Jihadi Islamists actions from the US 'War on Terror' after the 9 11 to the recent execution in the UK & the incidents against innocent Muslims in its wake. Blowing up Mosques; isn't that Islamophobic? How about blowing up Muslim pilgrims? Or the brutal stonings of women, including rape victims, including child rape victims for "crimes against chastity", aren't they Muslims? Or the young girls shot or attacked with acid for wanting an education or trying to escape a forced "marriage with a man 3 or 4 times their age? They're Muslims too. If It comes to acts of desecration, like burning the Koran, there are orchestrated protests when some idiot in the US does it, but how many Korans are destroyed when a Mosque or pilgrimage is blown up? (or doesn't it matter as long as they kill a load of innocent Muslims in the process?)And how many Korans were burned when the historic libruary at Timbuktu was set on fire by Islamists? And Why? "Why not?" it seems, along with some of the treasures of Islamic civilisation at it most creative. It's hard to damage & degrade the faith, the civilisation & the people more than that. White nationalist fascists in Europe spew Muslim hating rhetoric, & exploit the abuses of fascists of the Islamist variety as their most effective propaganda. But in their wildest dreams, the most anti-Muslim fascists in Europe could only dream of inflicting the misery & death upon Muslims, & the damage to their faith & reputation that the Islamist Jihadi fascists do on a regular basis. I think that anyone would be hard pressed to compete with that, when it comes to "picking on Muslims", & least of all, those Muslims like Tarek Fatah, who strive to show that there are other faces to Islam & that the Jihadis do not represent them.

Copied from the comment section of a post of a cartoon by Tarek Fatah on Facebook.