The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #150885   Message #3521761
Posted By: Suzy Sock Puppet
01-Jun-13 - 11:53 PM
Thread Name: BS: Unarmed soldier killed, (London-May 2013)
Subject: RE: BS: Unarmed soldier killed, Woolwich (London)
Wow! Go babysit my grandson, come back and were all so smug :-) Et tu Keith? That's fine. You seem confused. You want my kid gloves? Here you take 'em.

Having donkey ears means you don't listen. It has nothing to do with your appearance. It's like this little folk tale from Guyana about the town crier:

"When he knock and shout, some shiver because dem didn't like what dem hear. Dem got some who love to talk and talk but don't listen. Dem like donkey. Dem ears long but don't hear dem own story."

Do you even know what obtuse means? It means lacking in quickness of perception or intellect. I am hardly that - but you might be. If you're not wearing a hijab then you're married to a token Muslim. That's fine. We got token everything out here. I myself am a token Episcopalian in honor of my grandfather.

I remember when I first went into Grampa's church. Having been brought up Catholic, I was horrified by an enormous inverted cross. But I later found out it was there because our church had been named for St. Peter and St. Peter had been crucified upside down at his own request. Oy, what a meshuggener. Like it's not bad enough right side up?   Gra

And I hate to disappoint y'all but there ain't no such thing as a "mudcatter" 'cept in yo head.