The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #151014   Message #3521905
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
02-Jun-13 - 12:04 PM
Thread Name: Exercise, Diet, Declutter ~~~~~~June 2013
Subject: RE: Exercise, Diet, Declutter ~~~~~~June 2013
Linn! Is there any NH ombudsperson?? It is so outrageous that those who really need help and are totally stressed by the need, cannot even get straight answers. I finding weeding a centering activity. At least I am doing something!

Ok, it is June. Already. 28 days to move out and still no truck. And no R today as he stayed in the city and I have four kits to feed. It's Ok cause I feel rotten with a sore throat and tired. I have upped the vit C and Pau d'Arco to every hour or so, today, as that seems to be what is needed to function and not hurt. I have not had this for years.

SRS: The raccoon mom is down at the mill but I do not believe she is alive. She would not leave her babes for over 24 hours and them screaming their heads off for MOM! But after a dreadful hot. humid day yesterday, we had a great storm starting about 9 pm. I went out and brought the kits in, back in the smaller cage, so they would not get soaked. They sleep most of the time, once they are fed.   

I am fascinated by the personalities these kits have already developed. They are probably less than 8 weeks and one seems to be designated look out, one is shy, one knows to come to me demanding the bottle she craves while the 3 drink from bowls and seem to have forgotten how to suck. Child development. Our McGill professor addressed this with the comment, "Some kids come out fighting and they're that way all their lives!" That is their nature but, with human kids, we can nurture them into being able to deal with the inherent temperament.

Feisty squirrel managed to push the screen in the bathroom and get in. Maybe that was the noises. She went back out and I closed the window until I look at the situation better. Maybe keep it closed so she does not tear the screen. My hope is she will leave the porch for the great out of doors, permanently,through the hole in the screening. Squirrels develop quickly and are soon ready for life on their own. Raccoons generally stay with mom a full year.

Have not gotten much else done these few days. We did dash out yesterday to a yard sale near the cabin and got a $10 push mower for the city - about 15 foot square of grass but I am tired of cutting it with scissors! I am putting the laundry away and sorting out stuff for the thrift shop - from stuff R found at the Mill and I laundered.

I ordered a new distiller after finally finding a Canadian source. Mine is only making about 20 % of a jug. The rest seems to go up in steam. Mystery. I continue to use it because I am almost out.

And I am managing to de-clutter the emails from clayart inch by inch - most are keepers/good info saved to file and deleted. Some, on second look, deleted. And kill mosquitoes which have found their way indoors!

My weight loss is stalled at 8#. Feel to lousy to do anything in the studio so no exercise at all. Maybe later today I will feel like doing something.