The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #150885   Message #3522553
Posted By: Keith A of Hertford
04-Jun-13 - 06:40 AM
Thread Name: BS: Unarmed soldier killed, (London-May 2013)
Subject: RE: BS: Unarmed soldier killed, Woolwich (London)
Only significant people would get on the watch list.
We know that one suspect had trained abroad and been on Jihad, and he was so unexceptional no special watch was on him.
"To keep a constant watch on just one of those people, you would need a team of at least six surveillance operatives, Dame Stella says. But of course they couldn't work 24 hours a day, so you would need three teams of six.

And those operatives couldn't just sit outside a suspect's house. So, you'd need an additional person to, say, sit in a nearby house, and alert the team of six when the suspect left the house.

Then there's the control centre, where staff receive information from the mobile operatives and give them directions. And finally, there's a desk officer in charge of the case.

"Doing that 24 hours a day, seven days a week - well, you do the sums, it's an awful lot of people," Dame Stella says.

And if 2,000 people were to be followed like that, we'd be talking about 50,000 full-time spies doing nothing but following suspected terrorists. That's more than 10 times the number of people employed by MI5. The numbers don't add up."

Jim, I showed that there were, "into the thousands" in 2006 and the 2012 MI5 report said none had been taken off, and we know radicalisation has continued.