The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #151014   Message #3523300
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
06-Jun-13 - 12:15 AM
Thread Name: Exercise, Diet, Declutter ~~~~~~June 2013
Subject: RE: Exercise, Diet, Declutter ~~~~~~June 2013
The kitchen is still looking good but there is a lot of stuff sitting around the house now. Many projects underway, it'll get better as a few are finished.

I filled out the knowledge, skills, abilities forms and the preferred jobs list for the reorganization at work. I don't want to speculate, and I wonder if I maybe should have put things in a bit different order, but I get the impression there will be time for tweaking. I'm well ahead of the deadline. I took the printouts of the online surveys, read and filled them out, thought about them for a couple of days, then finally did the online versions that count today.

I'm seeing some hand dermatitis from wine last week (I had a glass a couple of weeks ago also) - clearly this is one of the triggers for this allergic reaction. It'll take a week or two to cycle through the stages of dry and cracked skin before it clears up. Then - after it has been fine for a while - it's Cherry Garcia. If I'm going to try chocolate to find out the reaction, it might as well be Ben and Jerry's!