The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #151014   Message #3523615
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
06-Jun-13 - 06:48 PM
Thread Name: Exercise, Diet, Declutter ~~~~~~June 2013
Subject: RE: Exercise, Diet, Declutter ~~~~~~June 2013
I really do not think much of grass and an environmental engineer friend agreed that it is only a bit better than macadam/concrete. Rain water runs tight off and helps create horrible flooding in developments. However, most people are addicted to it so when my poor dear son was trying to sell my property in PA those darn flowers were a big draw back.

At the cabin, there is almost none and I am going to just let it grow. the landlord will eventually take the weed whacker to it. But, when I rented a house in Nova Scotia one summer, the landlord waited until it was good and high and then the large lawn was cut for hay! I liked the daisies!

I like Charmion;s gardens! But the yard in the city is big for that treatment and the grass now needs a scythe to get it short enough to mow, which will, then, be about a five minute job. I went in last night after the feeding, intending to do some laundry and pick up my already arrived distiller this morning.

I forgot the laundry! But I cleaned out the perishables and brought them back to the country this am. Back at the cabin, I set up the new distiller and put the new gasket in the old one, fed the kits and took the car in for servicing. This latter is going to further de-clutter my account. Another trip in next week for the parts they have to order and 4 new tires.

Got back to cabin about 5 and had two gallons of distilled water ready. I had thought the old distiller dead but it clearly is still good to go. I am glad to have a spare.

Ordered the supplements. Walked a good distance this aft back from town to the garage in a light mist. My car is happier and I feel better.

Aggie helps me eat less. If I make much noise in the kitchen, she wakes up and wants to be fed so I am staying out of the kitchen. Now, it is time to go make supper for Aggie and me and bring the rest in a bit later, then a hot bath and bed.

The thing that bugs me most about my environmental problems is that other people are probably being sick for the same reasons but do not know the cause, go to doctors who do not know either. Also, I have never let my life be ruled by fear but I FEAR the tanks of whatever they are spraying on the fields. So darn tired of being made sick through no fault of my own.