The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #151015   Message #3523646
Posted By: Steve Shaw
06-Jun-13 - 08:29 PM
Thread Name: BS: Can all Athiests be lumped together?
Subject: RE: BS: Can all Athiests be lumped together?
Sorry to say this Shimrod, But I opened my involvement in these discussions on the Mudcat years ago by saying that I had been an atheist for many year and have experienced these arguments from both sides and that I am quite confident that it is impossible to prove or disprove the existence of God. I have said that here since to Steve Shaw certainly.

What utter rubbish, Wacko. I don't know how many times I've said here that I don't know whether there's a God or not. My take on the evidence suggests that the chance of his existence is so small as to be negligible. I have no interest in proving or disproving anything to you or to anyone else. Now I'm very consistent with this. You claim you hate rudeness in people, etc. Well I hate to be misrepresented, and when someone does it as wilfully and frequently and ignorantly as you do, I have no hesitation in calling you a complete and utter twat.

Steve has a tendency to dismiss and ignore inconvenient things said to him in a discussion.

Such as? Do give me one example of something I've dismissed or ignored that was germane to any discussion of this issue. You're a liar and a bloody idiot, aren't you?

But for Steve to say, as an argument to others that there is no God...

I have never once said that, you pompous, lying little prick.

...because HE has looked into it and decided that there isn't one is really the last straw for me.

I really wish it was the last straw and that you would piss off for ever. Unfortunately, I have not decided there isn't one and have never told you or anyone else that I have decided there isn't one.

That is so illogical, so far from any pretense of science or clear thinking, that I cannot consider anything he says about any subject other than his personal live and mouth organs with any degree of seriousness.

You pretend to be offended by what you consider to be personal attacks yet you can spout this litany of dishonest, offensive rubbish. You have abundantly demonstrated to everyone here that you know jack shit about both logic and science. On the contrary, you're just a horrible, small-minded little fellow, aren't you. As for clear thinking, don't make me laugh. All you do have is, for reasons best known to yourself, a massive chip on your shoulder about all the people you disagree with who you are worried are superior to you in every respect. You have a bitter inferiority complex that is bigger than my arse and which is glaringly obvious, I hate to tell you. You couldn't argue your way out of a paper bag. You need to take a hard look at yourself, at what an idiot you've made of yourself with these incessant stupid threads and post after post of obsessively-worried comments. Take a long holiday, Wacko Jacko. You are seriously lowering the tone.