The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #150885   Message #3524064
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
08-Jun-13 - 06:15 AM
Thread Name: BS: Unarmed soldier killed, (London-May 2013)
Subject: RE: BS: Unarmed soldier killed, Woolwich (London)
You and your little band of brothers have chosen to do that - I would revisit your rant if I were you.

Assuming that was addressed at me Jim, what rant? Examples please. Just find some details of where I have been Islamophobic. I suspect that you will not post any because there are none so you will make it up.

Your buddy took it a step further by claiming that degeneracy was "implanted" in "all male Muslim Pakistanis

First thing, I would not know Keith if I fell over him and there is plenty I would disagree with him on. But he has nothing of the kind on this thread. As I said earlier, it is obviously something personal.

the patent lesson that Islam should never have been allowed a foothold here to preach its poisonous [and filthy-mannered] doctrine that, now they are here & have taken over some of our cities

Is that a quote from this thread or by any Mudcatter, Jim. Have you taken to attributing random quotes to people to try and win some sort of battle. Tilting at Windmill's Jim.

Once more, for the record. I have nothing whatsoever against Moslems, Christians or even Conservative that leave us in peace. I am against anyone who will kill innocent people and try to inflict their views on me violently. Anyone regardless of race, colour, creed or politics. Simple.
