The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #150885   Message #3524254
Posted By: Jim Carroll
08-Jun-13 - 03:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: Unarmed soldier killed, (London-May 2013)
Subject: RE: BS: Unarmed soldier killed, Woolwich (London)
"comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis"
The Israeli regime's comparison with Nazism has been a fairly long-standing one.
Parts of the Israeli press described the regime's complicity in the Sabra/Shatila massacre as "Israel's Lidice" – and the later appointment of the man who was held responsible for facilitating that massacre, Menachem Begin to the post of Prime Minister was seen by many as Israel's validation of that massacre.
More recently, the former head of Shin Beth interviewed for the film 'The Gatekeepers' all but compared modern Israel with Nazi Germany, falling short by saying it was "too horrible to put into words".
It is fairly common to hear modern Israel described as an "Apartheid State", and its segregated public transport (both on racial and gender basis) has said to be "In need of a Rosa Parks", a reference to segregated America.
The regime's proposed forcible movement of whole communities (Bedouins) onto a rubbish dump in order to make way for new Settlements is classic fascism, (the wishes of the state over the interests of the people) underlined by the fact that the proposed new site is toxic and (according to the Israeli health authorities) will remain so for at least twenty years.
Nearer to home, in one of the main Islamophobic Israeli atrocity apologists, thanks to his continued denial of Israel's facilitation in the Sabra/Shatila massacre (historically established and formally documented – notably by a Jewish academic based in Jerusalem) Mudcat has acquired its own David Irving (leading Holocaust denier and apologist for Nazi war crimes).
Jim Carroll