The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #150885   Message #3524351
Posted By: MGM·Lion
08-Jun-13 - 11:47 PM
Thread Name: BS: Unarmed soldier killed, (London-May 2013)
Subject: RE: BS: Unarmed soldier killed, Woolwich (London)
Indeed. And some can obsessively introduce such comparisons obsessively into contexts where they are, at best, merely tangential to the topic under discussion, giving rise to speculations as to why they continually do so.

Know the old joke about the international prize offered for essays on The Elephant? Well - The Englishman entered with an essay on 'Elephants I have Shot In Africa'. The Frenchman submitted 'The Elephant as Lover'. The German contributed 'A Brief Prologemonon To An Exhaustive Study Of The Philosophical Make-Up Of The Psyche Of The Elephant Approached in Freudian and Jungian Terms'. The American wrote on 'Humorous Contributions from The Elephant To The Saturday Evening Post and the New Yorker'.

From the Irishman came 'The Elephant And Partition'.

From J Carroll we get a never-ending stream of essays on 'The Elephant At Shatila'.
