The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #151014   Message #3524610
Posted By: Bat Goddess
09-Jun-13 - 09:27 PM
Thread Name: Exercise, Diet, Declutter ~~~~~~June 2013
Subject: RE: Exercise, Diet, Declutter ~~~~~~June 2013
Thanks for the B.D. wishes! Ate too much at Newick's so didn't sample the cake (Irish Cream Chocolate) until a little while ago.

Got a phone call early this morning from a friend who was driving by -- to tell me that a neighbor had a really nice dresser out at the road with a "FREE" sign on it. Took me a while to convince him that FREE isn't good enough -- I don't have any room for it. Saw it later and it's a tall chest of drawers, so there are even fewer places (none upstairs) where it could fit. It's nice, dark walnut, looks solid. But I have NO place for it.

Went to a yardsale later and got a really nice large sieve for 50 cents and a bunch of pairs of earrings and necklaces for a grand total of 5 bucks...I need jewelry like cats need wings. (But they were pretty and I bought them.)

Didn't plant anything again today so I'll have to get busy tomorrow. Did get a the additions typed into the 1993 calendar, though, so that's done and I put stuff into 1995. Yeah, I know. The weather was glorious and I should have been outside.

Had a lovely day, though.
