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Thread #151015   Message #3524638
Posted By: Jack the Sailor
09-Jun-13 - 10:58 PM
Thread Name: BS: Can all Athiests be lumped together?
Subject: RE: BS: Can all Athiests be lumped together?
>>>"Therefore I propose the most outlandish and impossible explanation: that an infinite, all-powerful being who no-one has either seen or seen any sign of, and who breaks every law of nature, must have created it all."<<<<

I am not sure it is THE most outlandish considering it has been the default and almost exclusive theory of the educated West until very recently.

If I cared about your opinion, I would ask you how it is more " outlandish and impossible" than the Multiverse, string theory and even the Big Bang which are mathematically plausible but far from proven. In my time "The Big Bang" has fallen in and out of favor and depending on how inquiry into the wildly improbable theories of "dark energy" may do so again.

You Steve Shaw have to learn that you can't cite yourself as an authority. Just be cause you THINK that it is the MOST outlandish does not make it so.

The Big Bang, The Universe started form one undefinable
infinitesimally small point and grew randomly into what we see.

Creation the Universe as we see it was designed.

If I cared what you thought I would ask you to explain why you THINK one is more unlikely. It seems to me the likelihood of one is on the order of negative infinity plus one and the other is negative infinity plus two. You may think you know something about creation. But when it comes down to it, you don't know as much as pete.