The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #151015   Message #3524739
Posted By: Musket
10-Jun-13 - 06:48 AM
Thread Name: BS: Can all Athiests be lumped together?
Subject: RE: BS: Can all Athiests be lumped together?
And to expand a little further on that...

Hence Bollywood and the fact that Mexican soap operas always have women in tiaras and chandeliers hanging from the ceilings. (You'd think an extra comma would help in that last sentence wouldn't you?)

Add the Simon Cowell / Bruce Forsyth thinking over here, and you soon see that society has less use for medieval superstition based population control, we can control the masses through the telly and give them the escapism governments depend on to stop them thinking too much about their lot.

Though interestingly, rather than control the masses, the internet seems to be about the masses controlling governments. The latest disgrace over GCHQ letting foreigners in on data harvested illegally etc. Governments are scratching their heads over how to rein people back in. Perhaps waiting for old men in long dresses and pointy hats saying it is immoral to question your betters?

Worked OK as a control mechanism since time began. Just not so easy in the more enlightened 21st century.

1st post for a while that I haven't referred to the thixotropic nature of pigshit. Don is far more eloquent than I could ever be.....