The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #151136   Message #3524852
Posted By: Larry The Radio Guy
10-Jun-13 - 01:05 PM
Thread Name: 'They Call it Folk' Radio Program Idea
Subject: 'They Call it Folk' Radio Program Idea
An idea for a radio program just suddenly popped into my mind. What do you think?

It would be based on those many many discussions (that bore so many mudcatters and stimulate others....but always seem to generate lots of responses) about what is and what isn't 'folk'.   Threads like "When does it become folk", Can a pop song become a folk song, difference between folk and country music, etc. etc.

I would play a wide range of songs that at least some people refer to as 'folk', and talk about some of the traditional roots to many of the songs. And I'd use, as part of the script, much of the 'expertise' that has been provided by various mudcatters.

I'd also throw in a few songs that mudcatters have recorded.....and, of course, be giving constant credit to the mudcat forum.

What do you think?

Any ideas as to how one could make such a radio show interesting to a wide range of people?

It would be on Peach City Radio in Penticton (B.C.)...which right now doesn't do live streaming (but will probably have it in a couple months) but does keep an easy to find archive of all the programs produced.

-Larry Saidman

Peach City Radio Programs