The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #151014   Message #3524989
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
10-Jun-13 - 06:05 PM
Thread Name: Exercise, Diet, Declutter ~~~~~~June 2013
Subject: RE: Exercise, Diet, Declutter ~~~~~~June 2013
Linn! Up here, office chairs run about a dime a dozen so I would definitely not beat myself over it. Just one more of life's lessons!

I came into the city with R and the young lads this morning. My car! Dropped all off and went to the house and started on the back yard. Went for groceries and a good corn broom. NO good brooms available. Maybe in the country. Had lunch and went back at the yard - for about 4 hours? I pulled weeds and cut the long grass with the scissors; could not bring scythe in with a car full.

Got it mostly done and mowed that part. The left over gravel/stones from when it was a horse stable get caught in mower. Need to do a great deal more work on stone removal. Did around the herb bed and trimmed the sage to keep from flowering. And along both flower beds so all looks a bit tidier. Next time I come in, I will bring the plants which I still have no place for at the Mill.

On Sunday, beautiful day, I checked the spot where I hoped I could plant but the soil is too shallow. It is a ramp that was constructed for trucks. I pulled up sumac babies, yards of roots - on the ramp and along the bottom. And weeded around some red osier dogwood we will keep and add to. They are invasive but this is a good place for them. Eventually, someone will mow around the flower beds to be.

Hmmm. Could put the two hosta there and edge it with some of the timbers lying around. It WAS a saw mill! Lots of wood at hand. That would be a good place for the great celandine. Need low maintenance. And I have an extra prostrate broadleaf evergreen, I can dig up and take down. (Can't remember what it's called!) Someone gave me several 3 years ago and they are taking over the world!

Now I am trying to dredge up energy to go visit friend in hospital and then go folk dancing on Mount Royal. This is iffy. Need to get back to the cabin tonight and feed the kits. Need to spend a couple days in the pottery. Anyway, I have had some good exercise.