The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #28423   Message #352530
Posted By: McGrath of Harlow
06-Dec-00 - 03:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: Russian anthem restored
Subject: Russian anthem restored
I see that they're going to bring back the old Soviet national anthem for Russia. And there's a bit of a fuss about it too.

I'm pretty sure I'd be pleased about it myself, if I was Russian, for all that I think Putin is probably pretty despicable generally. (I'm not completely certain I wouldn't prefer Bush, if I was pushed in a corner...) Far more stirring than the one they used at the Olympics. I felt the old one went very well alongside the Star Spangled Banner.

If the Germans can still use the same tune that Hitler would stand to attention for, I can't see why the tune which the people who beat Hitler and endured Stalin would stand to attention for, shouldn't be welcomed back.