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Thread #151015   Message #3525516
Posted By: Steve Shaw
12-Jun-13 - 05:47 AM
Thread Name: BS: Can all Athiests be lumped together?
Subject: RE: BS: Can all Athiests be lumped together?
You clearly have a quarrel going on with someone about how they handle their religion, Steve....but it isn't me. ;-) What I wonder is, who is it?

"or tell your kids that they must believe in your God"

Who did that? Not me. And I wonder...did he also tell them that they must believe in flag, country, and some damned political party? Or did he just very strongly imply all of that by already doing so himself? That's what usually happens. As to which does more harm to children, that depends on specific circumstances, but ALL people who have children inadvertently program them into having a certain outlook on things, regardless of whether they try to do so or not. It just happens that way, because children imitate what their parents do...when they're quite young. That may change later on when they hit puberty, of course. ;-) It very often changes radically at that point.

"Having cleared up your misconception" Oh, YES, Steve! I am soooo grateful for that kindness on your part. You will surely be my moral deliverance and slowly move me in the direction of reason and sanity. La de da...

"as you're not a man of subtle understanding" (Snort!) Oh, GOOD one, Steve! Your satiric wit is razor sharp, as always. I am cut to the quick! I may have to commit ritual suicide, Japanese style, now that I am faced with the knowledge of my tragic lack of subtlety.

"Where I start to get bothered is when you try to get other people to believe your improbable notion." Really? Hmm. When did I try to do that? What is my improbable notion? Tell me.

"or that he's a better God than other people's Gods"

Say what? "He?" Where do you get "He"? What other Gods? Be specific now.

"and diss hard-working scientists" Sorry. I don't do that either. I like science. I'm not sure who you have in mind, but it isn't me.

"Religion needs to be fought." Aha! Now you have stated your position in a crystal clear manner, Steve. If you feel that religion has to be fought, then you're at war with religion. And that's what Jack's been saying all along.

What you're mostly doing, Steve, is fighting that war on these various threads, and assuming that anyone whom you think is on the other side of it fits all the loony stuff you're already assumed they would fit...such as "broke all nature's laws in order to create everything from nothing in some kind of flash of magic". Yeah, right...heh! In short, you are continually battling a straw man you have imagined, rather like Don Quixote charging at the windmills, convinced you are fighting the good fight to save society, children, etc. Get serious, man! You'll wear yourself out tilting with those windmills.

As I've been at pains to point out, I'm not fighting anyone. I react in these threads to what people say. The fighters are the thread-initiators. And a word of advice. You lost it big-time in this post. It doesn't chime at all with what I said in mine (misrepresentation, as I've said before, is the most accomplished dark art on this and most other discussion forums). You were flailing around, not for the first time. Stay cool and stay on top. :-)