The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #151014   Message #3525678
Posted By: Bat Goddess
12-Jun-13 - 02:03 PM
Thread Name: Exercise, Diet, Declutter ~~~~~~June 2013
Subject: RE: Exercise, Diet, Declutter ~~~~~~June 2013

No skunks encountered here, thank goodness. (One very early summer morning a few years ago I stood just outside the back door enjoying the just slightly post dawn weather when I spied a movement to my left, amidst the flower pots. Almost entirely white skunk. I stood still. He warily wove his way through the planters, waddled past me (casting an eye in my direction...just in case), and down the steps to "safety" under the deck.)

I just finished a bunch of piddly things including (believe it or not) yet more paperwork (that I found while trying to straighten the pile on the table that the cat keeps wanting to knock over) that had to be filed. Elderly property tax exemption -- yes, we're still old. Yes, we still have an income well below the maximum for the exemption. Had to go out to the car to note mileage for the form -- 191,882 miles on our sole vehicle.

Got other stuff filed. Threw out a bunch of stuff. Need to email a friend who wanted to buy the carnelian necklace to see if she's got the money yet. And another friend about the black powder pistol. Read Tom a number of things at Mudcat and Facebook and took care of some PMFF board business emails. Decanted the Earl Grey tea-infused vodka. It still needs to age a bit more. Also finished preparing the maple/vanilla-infused vodka. This is one way I can have the occasional sip of a specialty liqueur without having to pay an arm and a leg (and a kneecap and two toes). After supper the dishwasher will be full enough to run through.

Oh, and I pulled a few more weeds and put some more dry leaves on the pile when I took out the kitchen compost. Now I've got to get the mail and do a quick store run and take some magazines to Lee Urgent Care.

I had hoped to make a dent either in "the room" or the stuff piled in front of the hutch... I had also hoped we'd be able to eat on the deck tonight, but the promised sun hasn't put in an appearance. Sigh.
