The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #119219   Message #3526230
Posted By: Gibb Sahib
13-Jun-13 - 11:49 PM
Thread Name: Sea Chanteys/Shanties page-Gibb Sahib
Subject: RE: Sea Chanteys/Shanties page-Gibb Sahib
Headed for a dry spell as I get busy with other things, but here are some additions to the project since last time.

Caribbean chanties.
From Nevis:
Caesar, Boy, Caesar

From Anguilla:
I want no more coil rope

Two related ballads:
Constitution and Guerriere
Shannon and Chesapeake

Some stuff from Hugill's _Bosun's Locker_ that was not in his SfSS collection:
Bound for South Australia
Hieland Laddie - 'American Version'
Navy work-songs, "chippers"
Eight Bells