The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #150071   Message #3526640
Posted By: GUEST,Musket sans body
15-Jun-13 - 05:52 AM
Thread Name: BS: Militant atheism has become a religion
Subject: RE: BS: Militant atheism has become a religion
I said somewhere that it is not easy to be objective here and everything is subjective.

Hence pete regarding Joe an idiot for not believing you can be in a whale for three days or that Jesus died and then didn't die.

Be buggered if I know which is the idiot here? or put more mildly, whom is most gullible?

Putting aside two interpretations of the word belief, and assuming belief is genuinely believing something is what it is, does anybody here actually believe the man Jesus, whether one person or attributed to a number of people around the same time.. Does anybody actually think his mother was a virgin, his father a mythical creature with wings, his ability to cure dead and afflicted people, his own coming back from a perfectly satisfactory crucifixion and floating off into the clouds afterwards?

Is it me or doesn't that sound so bizarre that Joe has to have a point over allegory? Especially bearing in mind most of the bullshit end of the claims were borrowed from earlier legends?

No wonder I have issues accepting intelligent integrity of some people.