The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #150071   Message #3527581
Posted By: GUEST,Musket sans Fred Hoyle
18-Jun-13 - 01:27 PM
Thread Name: BS: Militant atheism has become a religion
Subject: RE: BS: Militant atheism has become a religion
Fred Hoyle and his steady state, in a similar way of thinking that had Victorians using an ether state as they felt nothing could work in a vacuum, was slowly dropped as an hypothesis as the evidence started corroborating the newer thoughts. Hoyle to be fair was consistent with Newton who also saw relativity as being against a solid true state, time and position based. Einstein and relativity destroyed key tenets of The Principia. That publication was about as near to scripture as science dare allow. I had a hard time in my viva using Newton's bucket as an example of holding onto old theories....

No issue with that. Einstein had issues with Hesienberg's uncertainty, saying that God didn't throw dice. Note that he wasn't supporting any version of god, but using the term as a metaphor for what we are trying to discover. He and Schroedinger cooked up the cat analogy as a piss take to show the absurdity of probability in quantum mechanics and inadvertently described the situation perfectly....

The difference between superstition and science is that you can update science tomorrow, hence the myriad versions of string theory and dark matter / boson speculation. Once the merry go round in Switzerland does it's work fully, some theories, proudly held, shall disappear. Rather than start a war, those involved will learn from the experience.

Do superstitions allow themselves to be defeated by evidence? thought not.

pete sounds like those idiots in Hammer Horror films, dog collar and crucifix at the ready, staring at the camera saying there are some things mortals must never learn.

Go on pete, give us the tech stuff. we can handle it you know. I have a PhD in mechanical vibration and others have declared their credentials. I guarantee it will get an objective scrutiny.

Once I stop laughing. I suggest reading Asimov's wonderful essay in "The Stars in their Courses." He took apart religious publications showing how science proves biblical teachings. A wonderful example is the text that was standard RE text in some American states during the '50s that said Venus did a flyby of earth that resulted in hydrocarbons in the huge comet tail comin down as carbohydrates, hence manna from heaven and all that tosh.

And Asimov has written many religious texts himself for that matter. he was just too intelligent to see the fairies at the bottom of the garden. Same as many more vaguely religious people who creationists and sundry fruitcakes insult each and every day...