The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #151225   Message #3527890
Posted By: Bobert
19-Jun-13 - 09:02 AM
Thread Name: BS: 'Where's Jimmy' Hoffa Clubs
Subject: BS: 'Where's Jimmy' Hoffa Clubs
Well, well, well...

Seems that the FBI is out spending our tax money digging in the middle of some field in the middle of nowhere looking for Jimmy Hoff's bones...

First of all... The current story makes no sense what so ever... Buried under a concrete slab??? I doubt it... At least not where they are looking... I mean, let's get real here... Mobsters ain't gonna order up a truck full of concrete to be delivered to so rural field where they are going to pour and finish a concrete slab... That, folks ain't gonna happen...

But never mind logic for a minute...

Seeing as people are so fascinated with Jimmy Hoffa's where about I think it fitting that they form clubs, collect membership dues and have annual conventions in various places where Jimmy might be hiding under-ground, so to speak... They could all bring club shovels... They could sell mementos and souvenirs and tee-shirts and "Where's Jimmy" board games... I mean, the possibilities are endless...

So, ya'll... If you want in on the ground floor then grab your shovel get with the program...
