The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #151099   Message #3528016
Posted By: Don Firth
19-Jun-13 - 03:03 PM
Thread Name: BS: The NSA Scandal/Snowden
Subject: RE: BS: The NSA Scandal
The "Race card" has already been played by the "Hate Obama" crowd.

In the "Hate Obama" campaign, Obama's skin color has a great deal to do with it.

In the Southern States after the Civil War, and in some backward pockets of the South even now, being one-eighth black classifies one as an "octoroon," and according to the miscegenation laws, meant that it was illegal for a white person and an "octoroon" to marry. "Racial mixing" was considered an abomination and "against God's laws." (Where in the Bible does it say that?).

Miscegenation laws were outlawed by the Supreme Court as late as 1967. But in some Southern States, those laws are still on the books, despite the Supreme Court's ruling.

So in the minds of some Neanderthals still extant these days, the fact that Barack Obama is of "mixed race" makes it particularly egregious. And according to their system of racial classification, Obama is a "mulatto."

And the fact that a "mulatto" occupies the White House is particularly intolerable to some people.

Don Firth