The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #151222   Message #3528907
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
21-Jun-13 - 11:34 PM
Thread Name: BS: GMOs... new thread. A must read.
Subject: RE: BS: GMOs... new thread. A must read.
Yeah, Good ol' Bobert....creative in so many ways...but his politics, jeez Louise!...If only he could 'create' his way out of Democratic Party brain-lock. I'd do anything I could to spare him the ignominy of bettin' on the wrong horse...but then there aren't too many alternative horses out there....I think the ones with integrity just don't fall in line with either of the two predominant psychic vampire political parties....speaking of horses, and Bobert...'You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him play a banjo'...or something like that.

Oh well, back to GMO's and still waiting for one of the Obamacrats to come up with a verifiable answer, as to why, if Obama was all in for the Obama health care concerns, why did he put Monsanto's rider, into his budget proposal.....There's a LOT more contradictory instances about Obama's actions, or in-actions, that leads one to ask such thought provoking questions..but this one's on GMO's and his benevolence to Monsanto, in light of the fact they are a bit anti environmental and health...Either Obama is, too, OR he's a wolf in sheep's clothing, and the 'so-called liberals' are just to fucked up to see it, and too vainly proud to call it as it is.

I know!!.....he signed it because he's hoping only Republicrats will eat the crap, and get sick and die..and he can tell the IRS not to give health care to them!!....Naw, that doesn't work either...but just as stupid as any other reason, than the obvious!