The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115883   Message #3529249
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
22-Jun-13 - 11:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: Popular Views: the Obama Administration
Subject: RE: BS: Popular Views: the Obama Administration
Now isn't that what I just asked for on the GMO thread...and NOBODY came up with ANY study, nor could they find Obama's rationale for doing it. The obvious one is that he was doing it FOR Monsanto....when asked 'Why' not even you came close to being able to understand why..and you said as much...matter of fact you voiced disappointment in him.
same thing when Clinton signed off on the repeal of Glass-Steagal ..nobody MADE him do it...or Hillary voting FOR going to war with Iraq, nobody MADE her doing it. Or Eric Holder's repeated lying before the Congressional committees, including the one on 'Fast and Furious', nobody MADE him do it, or Susan Rice lying to the U.N., did some one MAKE her do it..or 'suggest' it? Then the liberals, 'so-called' and real ones tend to favor the U.N., right? get up and lie your face off to them???
Now the first thing that blurts out of a liberal's mouth is, "Hey, Bush did it too!"....yeah, I agree...even got Powell up there lyin' right along with, does that make it 'right'?..or 'excusable'?..OR does it mean BOTH parties are doing it????...and every time, I say, "Both parties are doing it" just say, "Yeah, that's what the Republicans are saying..blah blah blah..but the TRUTH is, that they BOTH are, in fact, doing the same shit! ...which in my estimation, is they are doing the same shit, for the same people who are telling them to...OR, at least for the same agenda...this is not rocket science...the history is the same...just the names and the 'talking points' have been changed, to protect the 'innocent'(?)!!!
Now as much as you'd hate to admit it, what I just posted, and you just read, is true, plain and simple....and I am in no way a Republican, nor a Tea party member, nor Democrat...nor do I have ANY motive to deceive you. I can't say that I really even have a political agenda, other than, 'Back off!'...and stop fucking with the Constitution, and our rights, to accommodate some corporate interest. In government, the governed people SHOULD be the top priority....I don't see that, and haven't in YEARS! (recent, or other-wise, or either 'party')....but they both prattle on about their policies, as if they are trying to sell the public, that whatever fraud they're shoving at us, is for our good, whether we even know what the fuck it is!!..SHIT..They're signing massive bills without even reading them!!!..what kind of shit is that???????...and then if I object to such a stupid practice, of voting and signing onto bills without even reading them, and being offered exemptions for your state, if you vote for it, some mutant gnome, starts in with, "oh you're just don't like him because he's black'...and NO, I just object to the stupid practice, of voting and signing onto bills without even reading them, and being offered exemptions for your state, if you vote for it. This is NOT doing the will of the people....shit the people didn't know what was in this shit, let alone the over paid fuck-brains that engaged in those practices. (Dennis Kucinich actually read it, and was NOT in favor of it, as it was...even he gave into the pressure, a big disappointment!)...and somehow, some of you think this is just OK!
..not to mention all the scandals conveniently breaking out, now thought it's been going on for years, BOTH parties.
This is not a Republican/Democrat much as it is their problem, because they both allowed it to happen, and get so far out of control, that it is now being accepted as 'business as usual'..and on the news yesterday, we've got domestic drones keeping big brother's eye on us here at home, too...and NOW you'll make excuses for why it is OK...until the incumbent's party affiliation changes in Washington...then it's the 'dirty other guys'.
....and I still can't find a liberal (forget the 'so-called' varieties), who can justify all this, as being good for our nation, regardless of party occupying the administration. If the Dems are doing it, fine..but if the Republicans are doing it, even if it is a program started by the Dems, then it's the dirty, nasty Republicans. THIS IS FIRST CLASS STUPIDITY!! it not?

Well, enough least it stuck to the topic of the thread!