The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #151222   Message #3529452
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
23-Jun-13 - 02:27 PM
Thread Name: BS: GMOs... new thread. A must read.
Subject: RE: BS: GMOs... new thread. A must read.
Going right along with Bobert, (this time), what do you think will happen next, a class action lawsuit against Monsanto for their damages????...or MORE government sanctioned grants and exemptions for them??
we know Monsanto OWNS much of the earth's water rights(look it up), and now they want a Monopoly on the food sources and production. They have successfully gotten through legislation, squeezing family owned small farms out of business, and passed legislation to control what, and how much people can plant(fortunately there's too many growers to enforce it all, but they're making great 'progress')...what next?..Oh, and by the way, a lot of that stuff got passed under a Republican administration, as well, (in all fairness).
Yes, we have the best system money can buy!....we used to have a good one, but money bought loopholes and media influence, for which ever party's constituents needed to be appealed to...but this latest stunt, may have just tipped their hand....and by 'their' I mean the corporation's covert influence peddling with compliant and complicit politicians, regardless of party.

I know, I know, I'm a 'racist' huh?...... your wettest of dreams!