The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #150885   Message #3529658
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
24-Jun-13 - 03:51 AM
Thread Name: BS: Unarmed soldier killed, (London-May 2013)
Subject: RE: BS: Unarmed soldier killed, Woolwich (London)
You have yet to give a single opinion on the main issue here, which is whether the Muslim communities are a latent or actual threat to Britain.

Jim, I have said over and over again that "Muslim communities" are not a threat to Britain. In fact I have gone out of my way to point out that I believe the vast majority of Moslems, not just in Britain but worldwide, are ordinary, hard-working, peace loving people just like Christians, Atheists, Bush Baptists, Zorastrians and everyone else. Just look back to any of my posts in which I answer your questions and many others. You will see that this is patently true but I suspect you will, as always, just say I did no such thing.

The fact that you have not seen it, even though it is obvious, is a good indication that you do not read posts and, should anyone have the temerity to have the slightest disagreement with you - Yes I do believe there is a significant minority of Moslems who are a threat - then the blinkers come on and a bad case of dogma sets in. Yet another indication that you see what you want to see is the fact that I did not imply you said I was lying. I simply asked whether you would that as an excuse for not responding to my question as your favourite tactic appears to be shouting 'liar'. Often. What is more you addressing me as 'boy' indicates that you feel superior to me and, presumably, to others. Who those others are is anyone's guess.

All in all, Jim, having treated you with respect while you have done nothing but ignore or attempt to rubbish everything I have said, I feel that I am justified in surmising that you are simply a blinkered and very ignorant man. I will not, however, resort to attempted belittlement or petty name-calling as that seems to be the environment in which you thrive. I have, yet again, answered your question. You have not, yet again, answered mine or addressed the point that you are happy to treat me as your inferior. Until you do so I doubt very much if anything else you have to say will be of interest to me.
