The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #151222   Message #3529990
Posted By: sciencegeek
24-Jun-13 - 08:19 PM
Thread Name: BS: GMOs... new thread. A must read.
Subject: RE: BS: GMOs... new thread. A must read.
as I tried to point out in my earliest posts... the techniques are merely a tool. It's how the tool is used that raises the concerns.

GMO properly used is still not a magic bullet... anymore than heirloom varieties are. Each have their weak points.

We have invasive species damaging the environment... not just the insect & fish pests of late... but think of the rabbits in Australia or the blasted starlings released into Central Park in NYC by some misguided Shakespearean fans. Once the genie is out of the bottle, good luck getting him back in. It's the unintended consequences that concern me. I just can't relax & trust fate in the hands of greedy a-holes.