The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #151222   Message #3530022
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
24-Jun-13 - 10:29 PM
Thread Name: BS: GMOs... new thread. A must read.
Subject: RE: BS: GMOs... new thread. A must read.
Bobert: "Why is it that you expect Obama to read every page of every bill and know 1000000% of everything about everything???
Your standards are not reasonable - or rational - when it comes to Obama..."

I guess you're could anyone expect him to know every page..or what new lies are going on at the State Department, or Benghazi, or what his DOJ is lying about from day to day, not to mention the IRS, or the NSA, or Hillary not giving him any intel, or Susan Rice, whatever she just made up on her own, in front of the U.N., or where his shovel ready jobs went...I mean that's a lot to keep track of, especially when you have to make your press secretary look like a blithering idiot, trying to explain all this away....come to think of it, I'm surprised he didn't know the Monsanto rider was'd think the NSA would have told him!....besides, it's all too much to think about, when you have a safari in Africa to look forward much little time!


P.S. Of course he doesn't know all that stuff...what do you think he is?? charge???