The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #150071   Message #3530042
Posted By: MGM·Lion
25-Jun-13 - 12:05 AM
Thread Name: BS: Militant atheism has become a religion
Subject: RE: BS: Militant atheism has become a religion
Probably hardly worth saying, Jack: but you are there, with the word 'religion', "paltering with us in a double sense", as Macbeth said of the witches' apparitions' prophecies, which makes you, like them, a "juggling fiend".

Seriously; you must see you are there using 'religion' simultaneously in both its literal & its common figurative sense: as in the David Lodge novel about the nuns who decided as an experiment to give up the habit while teaching, and the hairdresser telling one of them that she must not forget to put her hair in curlers every night: "You must do it religiously," she said, quite unaware of the irony.

You can't get away with that, you know. But at least it might bring the thread back on track. Steve & Musket's fantasies of founding their own faith with themselves as Messiahs & stuff was faintly amusing at first, but IMO is becoming a bit laboured & wearisome and flogged-to-death.

How about giving it a rest, guys?
