The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #28452   Message #353034
Posted By: Allan C.
07-Dec-00 - 10:14 AM
Thread Name: Dec 7th is 59th Anniversary
Subject: RE: Dec 7th is 59th Anniversary
As I have mentioned in previous threads, I have a Pearl Harbor survivor sitting here with me. Mom has quite a few tales to tell about that day and the days which followed. She talks about how two very long weeks passed before she learned that Dad had made it out of the harbor alive. She remembers how the island's governer invited the American military wives to eat some of what little food was available in the relative safety of the governer's estate. She tells of her fears which were increased when a couple of Japanese mini-subs were discovered. She has so many stories of those days. Dad didn't ever talk much about it all. I have learned that the ship which was moored next to his was bombed. The movements of Dad's ship (once it got out of the harbor) were much the same as are described in the John Wayne movie, "In Harm's Way".