The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10111 Message #3530550
Posted By: GUEST,Georgia aka Tracy Betancourt
26-Jun-13 - 09:46 AM
Thread Name: Whatever happened to Terrea Lea
Subject: RE: Whatever happened to Terrea Lea
Terrea, BJ. and Sue had all moved to Vista, CA. they all ran a doughnut express at the fairs. B.J. passed away, then Sue passed, Terrea held on for quite a few years, I used to talk to her on the phone about once a month and then she passed...I believe it was June of last year. Check online (The Garret Coffeehouse.)Terrea had done 3 LP's. Terrea Lea at The Garret. Conversations of the Heart and Terrea Lea self titled.