The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #151018   Message #3531321
Posted By: Marje
28-Jun-13 - 11:21 AM
Thread Name: Throwing away the crutch....
Subject: RE: Throwing away the crutch....
It's true that this topic has been aired in the past, but what's interesting is that the trend to using a crib-sheet seems to be advancing, while those opposed to it are increasingly obliged to defend their position.

At a local singaround I go to, the leader has decided to ban the use of crib-sheets and song books. When he first set up the group a couple of years ago, there were two other rules: the session was to be entirely unaccompanied singing, and the material to be either traditional (UK/Ireland)or, if more modern, in the traditional style. It was perhaps a mistake not to introduce the no-books rule right from the start, as one or two people took it personally when this change was made, but it's likely that the leader didn't forsee what would happen.

We have lost a couple of regular members, but newcomers now know what's expected and either go along with it or don't come back. Sitting in a small room sharing unaccompanied songs together, with no printed material getting in the way, is a very special experience. Most of us are very happy with the way it's working out; we've had some lovely, informal song-swapping evenings and hope for many more.
