The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #151287   Message #3531545
Posted By: Jack the Sailor
28-Jun-13 - 11:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: I am not perfect after all
Subject: RE: BS: I am not perfect after all
Musket has said that he does not have a "stance" vis a vis religion. Does anyone believe that he does not have a stance?

Musket has asked for his arguments be taken seriously a few times. But the only way to know which arguments are to be taken seriously is after the fact when he whines about not being taken seriously.

Musket is idiot enough to say this. "There are one or two people on this forum who do respect people's faith. One is called Musket and the other apparently is called Ian." I hope and pray that "Ian" is not fool enough to believe it.

Musket is as sane and stable as a brim bag full of brain damaged experimental monkeys. I don't know about Ian but he really should have more sense than to associate himself with Musket.

"Sailor Jerk."

More childish name calling. Good, did you accuse me of rising to the bait? What a sane clear minded intelligent man you are!

I don't have a wish not to be associated with my posts I really don't care. My name is not a secret. Lots of people know it. If you had asked nicely I would have told you. Hell, I might have told you if you had asked at all. Likewise, your "secret" about your name. If you had asked me to protect it I would have. But no, you ordered me to keep a secret whose only purpose was so that you could lay abuse on me and a select few others without being associated with your own words. It was a "secret" you were doing a very poor job of keeping yourself.

Polite conversation. Mmm. No. Got me there. Must be some American phenomenon.

" I call it a delusion rather than a belief because you prove time and time again to be beyond polite debate. "

Excuse me please for misquoting you. I said "polite conversation" you said "polite debate."

So you don't want to be taken seriously, except when you want to complain about it. And you hold me to a standard of "polite debate." While you mock and taunt me.

Do us all a favor. Go back to being Ian and stick to topics and modes of "debate" and "conversation" that do not embarrass you in your life.