The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #28116   Message #353207
Posted By: kimmers
07-Dec-00 - 03:35 PM
Thread Name: BS: Another Opportunity for Parodies
Subject: RE: BS: Another Opportunity for Parodies
In our house, it's usually the other way 'round. My husband gabs at me and I only catch every other word. I think I use up my daily listening allotment at the office and need to withdraw a bit by the time I come home.

Expanding upon this, I would suggest that the reason we think of women as gabbers and men as 'strong silent types' who listen poorly may have more to do with the traditional man-as-breadwinner model. The spouse who spends all day hearing others' problems and requests and putting out fires ain't gonna feel talkative when he or she comes home.

This also has a lot to do with whether or not one is an introvert or an extrovert. Introverts withdraw into themselves to recharge; extroverts want company when they're tired or blue.

Sorry for such a serious answer to a silly thread.