The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #151287   Message #3534247
Posted By: akenaton
06-Jul-13 - 02:44 AM
Thread Name: BS: I am not perfect after all
Subject: RE: BS: I am not perfect after all
Ian...I'm afraid you don't have a reasonable point of view.

Your stance is based on the world as you would like to see it, you do not make any attempt to address the negative points associated with male homosexuality, or the "rights" which are already avilable to homosexuals under the Civil Union legislation.

Your views are based on what many would see as myth, as much as you see all religious faiths as based on myth.

There is obviously no "equality under the law" in a capitalist society, surely I do not need to give examples of how our legal system is aused by the rich and the powerful?
There is no equality in a hetero or homo "marriage" as one couple is of the same gender and naturally unable to produce offspring and construct the natural family structure which is the bedrock of conventional marriage.

What is being discussed in this issue, is "sexuality", not "love", which can occur between all genders and even between species.
Love and NOT always go together like a horse and carriage. :0)