The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #151287   Message #3534473
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
06-Jul-13 - 04:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: I am not perfect after all
Subject: RE: BS: I am not perfect after all
Muskrat: "I suppose I shouldn't mention women liking it up their arse then? Must be too confusing a concept for your stance."

At least when homosexuals have sex that way, they give birth to a bunch of little least they don't have to change diapers...they harvest them for cologne!

Hey...look down between you legs, there.....what do you see??...Oh, isn't that part of the reproductive system?...Oh, it's not?..You mean it's a toy??...oh, then what's that urge we get??...Oh, part of the 'mating dance'....well what if you don't want to mate?..maybe just want to have some fun?.....Really??....Maybe that's why when a young bride comes home and says, "Honey, I just came back from the doctor's, and guess what?"....and at that point the guy tries to remain emotionless, and the young bride, with a big warm smile on her face says, "Guess what?..I'm pregnant!"....His VERY careful response is, "Are you sure?" (hoping not to let on, "OH FUCK..Damn it!"
At that point the 'free fun' is over........................they think!
Just think, without that little 'urge' (to some, an obsession), YOU probably wouldn't be here, either!
Funny how that happens...because years later, that guy will be more impacted profoundly...than the best fuck he ever got....which he may not even remember!...but he WILL remember the energy and effort it took to raise that kid!!...unless of course you're one of those morons who just fuck whatever, and WON'T stick around to raise the child, should your reproductive system works better than your brain! Then you just sprinkle the earth with kids struggling to get through the FACT that they weren't even loved enough, or worth enough, that the ol' man ran off!...What a curse to live through....but that's OK, the asshole tells himself..I was horny, she was sorta cute enough...the rest was HER fault!
So, unless you've 'mounted' a woman, knowing that it may produce a child, and if it does, and with that same LOVE you take care of it, look out for it, teach it, provide for it, and try to make his way better than the previous generation you can take your 'notion' of what you THINK love is, shove it up your ass, and howl at the moon!.. Because you ain't got shit to say worth listening to...because you're dysfunctional, in one way or the other....and who gives a rats ass that you cannot distinguish love for being horny, anyway?!!!
Akenaton speaks often of diseases associated with homosexuality..I'll go him one further, you're already mentally and an emotionally disturbed self absorbed prick, if you treat a woman or a man with that kind of complete abandon...and God help you, if you treat your own child with the same!.......Animals, in the wild, do better!

Wow!..too much hassle....let's fuck each other in the ass...maybe we can make it socially it 'love'...nobody would know the difference!...but then,...........'I am not perfect after all'...