The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #151363   Message #3535190
08-Jul-13 - 03:01 PM
Thread Name: Summer Declutter & Fitness - AUGUST '13
Subject: RE: Summer Declutter & Fitness - JULY '13
Finally! Ten months into my exercise program people are starting to notice the weight loss. The gout medications are worse than the disease so I am taking them for six weeks to clean my system while on a fairly strict gout diet. No red meat, no most seafood, no dried beans or lentils, no turkey and certain vegetables like spinach, asparagus and cauliflower. All doable. Other than hot dog and hamburgers I am not a meat eater. Of course no alcohol. I would love a vodka tonic but settle for red wine once in a while. I can have whole wheat bread but not whole grain. Nuts and seeds are limited. But I can have eggs, butter and cheese, potatoes, sweet potatoes, popcorn.

Given a choice between the pain, the shitty drugs and the diet - I'll take the diet. With some planning I am very happy.

I love Tai Chi, so simple but so relaxing ( I sleep like the dead after a session) and so effective on the muscles and joints.

Actually vacuumed the entire first floor on Saturday. A sweaty business but I have the motivation so why not?
The sun room is down to 6 boxes of sortables - a major achievment.Wish I had the courage to go upstairs. Baby steps.