The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #151287   Message #3535335
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
09-Jul-13 - 02:29 AM
Thread Name: BS: I am not perfect after all
Subject: RE: BS: I am not perfect after all
Wow, Akenaton, that was really cool..glad you liked it. When I first came into Mudcat, I was under the impression that there were writers and composers in here, too...and, well, I said in my earliest posts, and some along the way, that as writers, composers and musicians we should be free, to have some original thoughts...and I've said, that I WANTED to get people to think..and think above politics, which was designed to get people stuck inside the hamster wheel. Politics don't solve ANYTHING...they only 'promise' to fix the last mess that they got us into!! There is NO political solution...never was. Mankind's behavior comes from, and is dictated from the heart, and a clear mind...and of course 'intelligence is the ability to process information'..not make value judgements about somebody else's ideas about how to compel people to accept something that would normally be contrary to their own wills!!
I've tried to load up my posts with stuff for writers to take advantage of, or to stimulate creative thought...and have posted that very intention on here...OH, speaking of which.....

Muskrat posted: "On other matters, nice to see Akenaton and Goofus bonding. Great minds often think alike."

Speaking of 'bonding' Musket and I have a bond of sorts, ourselves, but not many know about I won't reveal it.....but I can't find my shoes, ever since he came home early the other day.....OH, and by the way, your wife wanted to tell you that you're out of Scotch!


P.S. Check under the bed, they're grey sneakers....