The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #150071   Message #3536068
Posted By: Steve Shaw
10-Jul-13 - 07:58 PM
Thread Name: BS: Militant atheism has become a religion
Subject: RE: BS: Militant atheism has become a religion
"Penitent". I get it, Don!! An almost messianic-style pun if you don't mind my saying so! I think you could well have a role here. We hate political correctness, as you know, and we cheerfully espouse misogyny. We're taking our cue from the Tories who spout disgustingly bad and indigestible populist stuff in order to gain what their bereft policies can't - votes! Bums on seats, what what!! It has been noted in the Palace Of The Messiahs (OK, a bingo hall just outside Sheffield that we get for ten quid on Thursdays) that you have a bit of a "thing" about cyclists. Well that happens to be bloody perfect! I've already arranged a date for a televisual interview on Beeb Five in which you and some bloke from Hertford (I think) called Keith (or something) will be invited to slug it out. "Keith" has agreed as long as you promise not to mention Palestine or Jim Carroll. Are we on or what?