The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #8426   Message #3536894
Posted By: ollaimh
13-Jul-13 - 12:03 AM
Thread Name: banned songs
Subject: RE: banned songs
hey wolfgang and tim jaques, back in the seventies to the ninties, there was a german "folk singer" who used to sing hitler youth songs. he introduced them as "songs I learned in a german youth group". I found he failed de nazification so came to Canada to become a doctor. he couldn't be a doctor having failed de nazification heaqrings, at least not in Germany.

this was at the Vancouver folk song society. he sang them for years. for a while I couldn't believe it was happening but when I did no one cared. a jewish friend who spoke Yiddish and german, went with me one might and confirmed he was singing the hilter youth versions. these were based on german folk music but twisted and perverted. his family are still influential in folk circles and have the ear of joe offer who has many times banned me talking about the Nazi folk singer in Vancouver. he won't let me name him any more. we'll see if he deletes this message.

amaxingly the nice anglo/germans on the Vancouver folk ss were uite happy to let him sing Nazi songs for decades. this same group used to ban all irish rebel songs. although I made a point of singing a few, however they never let me get on their stage again.

they accepted his lies that he was 14 or 16 at the wars end. after his death his obit showed he was 27 at wars end. and they accepted his story they were deutchland party and part of the pa=thfinder youth group and then the sthalhelm(a deutchland party sreety marching group). in fact the dvp was part of the coalition that brought hitler to power in the hartzzberg forest agreement, and the path finders merged into the hilter youth in 1932/33 after that agreement, and the stahlhelm was were they drafted the first ss officers as part of the deal. they bought every rationalization for singing Nazi songs as joe offer buys these rationalizations now. this is second generation holocaust denial. to me incomprehensible to any ethical person.