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Thread #150984   Message #3537306
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
14-Jul-13 - 12:19 PM
Thread Name: BS: George Zimmerman defense-' Evidence withheld'
Subject: RE: BS: Zimmerman defense-' Evidence withheld'
OK..OK OK..Calm down, and get your FACTS straight..Hear me out, I was correct before, now I'm going to clue you in, OBJECTIVELY, as I was doing before.

First of all, as to race, which is everyone's REAL concern, there were six women on the jury, and if you scroll back, you'll see my post on that, and to the prosecution's closing statement to them. I said that it would be a debate amongst them, as to which way it would go, EMOTIONS vs EVIDENCE. All it took was ONE juror to not go along with either way, and it would have been a 'hung jury'. In case some of you didn't know, one of the women is black. Therefore, I believe that they went through some detailed analysis sorting out the EMOTIONS vs EVIDENCE. (either that or they REALLY resented the prosecution for exploiting their maternal instincts, which I don't know to be a fact, but We'll be listening to the interviews with the jurors, for any trace of it. I don't think they would come right out and say it though.

Second: Had this not been politically pressured, and influenced by the President's remarks, Jackson, and Sharpton, at the onset, to stir it up, the investigation could have gone on PROCEDURALLY ...but it was rushed through, pandering to the EMOTIONAL elements, and the pressure from the 'activists', trying to make a name for themselves. In doing so, they replaced the D.A. with Corey, who erroneously proceeded to by-pass letting it go to the Grand Jury, who would have been able to accurately find the appropriate charge to charge Zimmerman with. She royally fucked up!..but the pressure was on, and she was going to champion it. She went for the unprovable 2nd degree murder charge. She is an asshole!

Third: As to, the civil charges. I don't know if you know this or not, but the 'stand your ground' law, completely nullifies that. whether you agree with the law, or not, because of it, a civil wrongful death suit would have no all, and might not even be able to be filed, despite the 'news' media's pundits, expounding otherwise...and the self defense argument might really fuck up any federal civil rights charges, as don't hold your breath. However, if they proceed to file RECKLESSLY, as they did originally, this is going to be just another fiasco...but you never know with the dickhead running the VERY corrupt DOJ!!

As it is now, I AM relieved (so far) to see the re-action by the public has been SO FAR peaceful. If the wannabe activists, wallowing in the 'racial civil rights struggle nostalgia'(Jackson, Sharpton and the likes) start trying to whip it up, then THEY should be charged with conspiracy to incite civil unrest! Sharpton made some remarks, which I posted in a link, which I agreed with, urging people to be calm. Truth to tell, Sharpton had an idea how this was going to turn out, and he HAD to urge people to stay calm, after he helped whip up the 'so-called racial outrage', because if he didn't, he KNEW his days of being seen as some sort of 'spokesman for civil rights' were over..and he would be seen as irrelevant!..and FACT is, he's made a LOT of money promoting racial divisions and exploiting them!

As far as the verdict, those women went with the known and accepted EVIDENCE pertaining to the LETTER OF THE LAW, over the emotional pandering that they had presenting to them.

I don't think it was altogether an easy verdict for them, because MANY people think that Zimmerman should have drawn some legal responsibility for his part in the situation..but given the choices they had, thanks to a rush to judgement from the political pressure to exploit, and in doing so, bi-passing the Grand Jury, they reached the LEGALLY correct verdict, given the choices they had to work with. My last post, I posted the manslaughter statute of Florida. As you can see, the prosecution did not broach the subject, to produce the EVIDENCE, to prove that it was manslaughter, during the trial, and once again, you can't convict anyone without evidence beyond a shadow of a doubt.
Don't get pissed at me...I'm just the messenger..and those are the FACTS, without a personal opinion, of which way you might think I was 'hoping' for.
As per aforementioned, "I don't have a pig in the race!"
You can celebrate, or grumble on your long as it it peaceful and nobody else gets hurt or killed, through any related acts of stupidity, because of the verdict.

Glad to have been of service, to define the LEGAL aspects...