The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #43210   Message #3538885
Posted By: GUEST,Jon Lindsey
18-Jul-13 - 08:29 AM
Thread Name: Yasuma guitars
Subject: RE: Yasuma guitars
I bought my YCM Yasuma second hand in 86 in Victoria Australia for $150! I thought "it was just a Japanese guitar"! The ex through a keybourd at me and I lifted the ax, put a little hole in the back! Model no 1000! Spruce top, mahogany back and sides with a ebony fret board!Heaps of mother of pearl (abalone)around sound hole fret board and head stock! Mate of mine is a luthier came around, said it's a collectors item and worth money( I love this guitar and would never sell!) The jokers (marks) that said they are ply wood don't know what they're talking about,the Japanese bought all the best timber in the 70s and 80s and these guitars were built by the best!They got sued, and the company folded, because they were so good, you only have to look at one and hear one to know these guitars are amazing! Web site Serial number is inside near the neck, 540102, not where it is meant to be (on the sticker!) I have other jap guitars, fender strat, aria classical and a 75 ibanez bass, they also made the best electronics!!!