The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #151568   Message #3540043
Posted By: Don Firth
21-Jul-13 - 01:58 PM
Thread Name: BS: New Study - Conspiracy Theorists Sane
Subject: RE: BS: New Study - Conspiracy Theorists Sane
I'm of the opinion that the chronic conspiracy theory buff has an ego problem.

By buying into the conspiracy theory, they can feel that they are in the know. They "know" what really happened, and are so much smarter than all those other sheep out there.

No matter how asinine the conspiracy theory sounds in the face of the verifiable evidence, they cling all the harder to the conspiracy idea rather than admit that things really are exactly as they've been reported.

Sort of an adult (?) version of "Nyah, nyah, nyah, I'm smarter than you are!!" when, in actuality, they are the gullible ones.

They'll never admit it, though. They're delicate egos are at stake.

Don Firth