The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #150984   Message #3540839
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
23-Jul-13 - 12:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: George Zimmerman defense-' Evidence withheld'
Subject: RE: BS: Zimmerman defense-' Evidence withheld'
Look Bobert, (and other wannabe -'so-calleds', calling people on here the 'MudcatKKK' is about as absolutely stupid and childish as calling you a Pol Pot devotee. You think, or claim, or something like that, that white on black crimes are the epidemic of the age. Well guess what? that?..93% of murders of blacks are black on black crimes....but you don't give a shit!..NOR are you crusading to stop, or stem that tide...nor do you give a rat's ass about Chicanos killing other Chicanos...or gang violence, or thefts, or the disproportionate number of fatherless black children, and abortions to blacks..where is YOUR crusade about ANY of that???...and none of that shit is caused by whites, reds, yellows, browns or even pinks..(but they all dig da' blues), oops, drifting here.....surely there is something REAL you could be doing for them, besides trying to generate hate, bias, bigotry or any other name you want to call it, in the geriatrics ward of the internet! You'd think, that in our time on the planet, that wisdom, whatever we let settle, like dust on our head and shoulders, would be able to cause better, than bitching at each other..just to get some sort of deranged satisfaction of proving a pointless point. So what??(as Hillary Bush said), as everybody jumps up and agrees with you, and you feel GREAT that you proved your point..then everybody goes to another topic to bitch about something else..meanwhile DOING NOTHING, about something that they had nothing to do with, in the first place!!!
Personally, I don't think there is a person in here, that 'hates', discriminates or is in any way fucking with blacks at all...nor any other race or ethnic group. It just ain't happening. Bruce does his cut and paste bit, from sources that a lot of you would be to lazy to even look up, and you guys just bash the shit out of him, for NO fucking reason. You ought to read the posts, and check out what he is saying..OR at least research parts you have questions about, or disagree with....other than the inane crap that comes from the likes of Greg. How come his ignorance doesn't bother you??? You guys agree with each other, he never posts an intelligent post countering anything, just calls stupid and bigoted names at Bruce, including anti Semitic remarks, and you agree with sure don't admonish him for exhibiting the bigotry that you say, that blacks are dealing with..and Greg's the poster boy for making the 'so-called' left look like a bunch of stupid fucking Obamanoid idiots! ..Speaking of which, you jump all over Zimmerman for 'lying'..but when Obama does it, you get wet dreams! So is it 'lying' that really bothers you? It doesn't bother Don T...he just hides behind a cloak of can't get mad at him...only feel sorry for his condition!...along with that other iconic heap of crap on wheels..people who just stir up anything that gnaws away at the fabric of a civilized people, just to ram some notion of aligning themselves with the wondrous deeds of Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao, Hitler, Mussolini, and Rockefeller!
Now if you want to claim real stupidity, just froth and foam, that you can't make sense of all will show your lack of an ability to connect the dots.
Maybe instead of scanning through something, just to see if there is something to blather about, to make no point, try getting inside might make sense in a way that might seem 'new' to might be a breath of fresh air!
..and by the way, you think I'm being 'weird' about this? You guys are the ones that people are calling 'the usual suspects'.. and the 'usual bunch of name callers'...give it a thought.(Greg and Don T excluded, I don't want them to get a head ache and suffer a brain hemorrhage. The doctors would never be able to find the damage...


P.S. least it was 'pithy'....