The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #151287   Message #3541869
Posted By: Musket
26-Jul-13 - 04:54 AM
Thread Name: BS: I am not perfect after all
Subject: RE: BS: I am not perfect after all
Yeah, planning everybody's agenda..


Bloody hell Goofus. When I told you to play with the toys, I was being sarcastic. Seems I was closer to the mark than I thought...


No wheezes, no social engineering, just attempts at root cause epidemiology in public health. Making sex illegal has the same impact as making hate comments illegal. It doesn't influence those who it is targeted at, so no solution. In the meantime, healthcare has to deal with the effects of stigma, the effects of ignorance, the effects of hard to reach groups, the effects of attempts to divide society, the effects of you and those who are suspicious of difference, sceptical of inclusiveness and ready to use terms of scorn such as "liberal" as the root of all evil.

Just think, 80 years ago, people like you had elements of society to blame throughout Europe. You'd have been in your bloody element. You could wear your Aryan credentials with pride. For a while...