The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #151677   Message #3543317
Posted By: Steve Shaw
29-Jul-13 - 07:11 PM
Thread Name: BS: Reinforcing respectful 'boundaries'
Subject: RE: BS: Reinforcing respectful 'boundaries'
I've noted the despicable nonsense levelled at you by Guffo, Don (OK if I call him that? :-)) and I also note the frustration you express in your post about people posting misinformation. I'd add to that one of the cardinal sins of the internet, one which is much worse than direct insults: misrepresentation. Wacko did that twice with me in that shut-down thread, claiming things about my posts that were simply false and utterly unsupportable. What he said were blatant untruths, so why shouldn't I call him a liar? He knew exactly what he was doing! To be honest, I'd rather be called a "fucking asshole" by Little Hawk than be misrepresented (though he manages both things at once). Then you have people like slippery pete who charms everyone with his deliberately-false self-deprecation before posting the most ignorant and insulting nonsense you've ever read. The icing on the cake there is the gullible souls who crowd round him to pat him on the head, indulge him and tell the rest of us not to be so nasty to this nastiest piece of work. Right, end of rant. These navel-gazing meta-chats are lovely, aren't they, but what a bloody waste of time they are. I feel I may have to question my own sanity. Not you, Guffers. Go back to sleep.