The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #28452   Message #354337
Posted By: Banjer
10-Dec-00 - 03:20 AM
Thread Name: Dec 7th is 59th Anniversary
Subject: RE: Dec 7th is 59th Anniversary
Oh boy....Spot The Dog, make room in the doghouse, I'll be sharing the space with you after this.......My dad hated the (insert nationality). This is a statement that I have read many times in many posts and books I have read. It is understandable for someone to hate because of what they saw, or because of the friends or family members lost. But should we hate an entire race? If there is a need to hate, then place the blame on the individual that caused the hurt or anger. Just because our parents or grandparents "hated the ??????" why should we carry this on? I have many aquaintences of various racial and ethnic backgrounds. We all have. We may not agree with a country's political views, (China is a good example) but that is no reason to hate the Chinese people. I was rather severely injured during a struggle with a group of blacks while on duty as an MP in 1969. Almost lost vision in my right eye. So according to tradition I should hate black people?? Not so. I don't think I could sit at the same table with the perpetrator, but I don't hate his entire race for his actions. Food for thought....