The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #6136   Message #35439
Posted By:
20-Aug-98 - 04:54 PM
Thread Name: Harmonica preferences
Subject: Harmonica preferences
A couple of days ago on another thread--I think it was 12 string guitars--there were a couple of messages regarding harmonica preferences, and someone mentioned liking Lee Oskar harps. I have a bunch of them, blues harps in C, G, D, and A, and Melody Makers in the same keys. Once I got used to them, I really got to love the melody makers: they are made for playing melody with emphasis on the draw notes, but unlike blues harps, have all the notes of the scale. They start out a bit more expensive than the Hohners, but when they get tired, you can buy new reeds to put in the old instruments for about half (?) the price of the complete harp. Tombo (the manufacturer) also makes a line of double-reed diatonic harps with complete scales in every key. I've never seen them here, but I've bought a few of them in Japan. I used to play them exclusively until I finally went to the effort to learn to play cross-harp.--seed