The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #28518   Message #354424
Posted By: Jon Freeman
10-Dec-00 - 10:27 AM
Thread Name: Shorty's Back
Subject: RE: Shorty's Back
Shambles the borders between a gentle tease or joke or and insult/attack are probably impossible to define but I do not believe this thread even came close to such borders and I for one joined in as I thought it was fun.

Jeri was certainly ammused at being Jeriatric, Amerign seemed happier when he got called Am Urgin', Ebbie liked being Ebbs_and_Flows and I think it was her who asked how to get to the membership page to drop her cookie, persumably to join in. CarolC did change her name to CarOilC to ask a question, etc. I think that most of us were just bored with nothing happening on MC and those that joined in were trying to have a little fun.

There was a lot of anger about people using other's names to impersonate others which was (correctly IMO) dealt with but there was no attempt at trying to steal anothers identity in this thread.

My own feeling is that it was censored because of the thread title which, on reflection, was tactless. I do not know who deleted the thread or why but I could easily imagine Max or an Elf, who are doinging thier best to keep this place alive, coming in to revive shorty, etc. and being extremely annoyed at a thread with no real content entitled "Mudcat is unreliable".

If that is the case, although I am not fond of thread censorship, I do apologise to Max and crew for helping to perpetuate a thread that could be seen as reflecting badly on Mudcat or Max and crew. I certainly do appreciate their efforts.
